egg hunts. baskets. egg candies. pastel colors. bunnies. chicks. sunshine. dresses.
and egg dying.
For the past two or three years my family has gone against the grian of society and rebelled in the form of dying our Easter eggs in a new way.
Solid color dyes? Pffft, we laugh in the face of their stain and scorn at the sad eggs, striped and mismatched. Who does that? Not us!
Instead, we dye our eggs with sophistication.
In other words, Silk ties.
1. Pick out numerous patterned ties that you don't need or that you find at Goodwill (must be silk!) and lots and lots of eggs! (or how many you want to end up with, an extra or two for casualties)
2. Take said ties (the uglier, the brighter and the more colorful usually work best) and take out the linings, cut the patterned part to cover an egg.
3. Take the unboiled eggs from their carton and individually wrap each with the patterned tie chunks, making sure they are tight against the eggs and tie with pieces of yarn/string. (can be tied on two sides like candy or just on top)
4. Now wrap the egg covered in silk tie in a piece of plain cotton fabric (all color wrapped up) in a similar fashion.
5. Place in a large pot filled with water and about 1/4 a cup of vinegar (really I just guessed how much...) boil the water and let simmer for 20 minutes!
6. Unwrap. Scream in enthusiasm. Enjoy.
*may not work all the time, some ties are just plain duds so you're left with a nice albino hardboiled egg. Have fun :)
The Ties we used |
We had a casualty |
Yes, that is Mickey Mouse
The end result :) |
Happy Easter!