Friday, November 11, 2011

Harry Potter-no-more

Today is the day. The day that the last movie of the Harry Potter Series comes out on DVD and it is a sad day indeed. To those of you who are unfamiliar with my love of Harry Potter, well then you just won't understand this post and that's quite alright, just don't pay it any attention- I won't be offended. But to those of you who DO share my love and appreciation for this simply magical fictional series then this is for you. This is a farewell to the Harry Potter series, never again shall I dress up for a midnight premier of Harry Potter as Hermione and have gum thrown in my hair (peanut butter does work). Never again shall I have Harry Potter spell fights in the dressing rooms in drama at school or make my own wand with my harry Potter obsessed friends. Never agian shall I dream of recieving the letter of acceptance even though I'm quite a bit older than eleven (maybe it go lost in the mail...?). Oh, the good times I have had with HP. On a different note (but not completely seperate) this means my friends and I are going to have a super fun and amazing Harry Potter movie marathon! Again! Only this time with all seven movies! People, that is somewhere near SEVENTEEN hours of Harry Potter! Do you know how awesome that is? SO aswesome. That's how much. I don't even know if I can handle how much awesome that is.

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